1. I’ve made an order, but haven’t received an order confirmation.

You will receive an order confirmation as soon as your order has been registered in our system. If you have placed an order with us, but haven’t received an order confirmation, please check your spam folder. If you don’t find it there, please let us know via either the contact form or email at capcom [at] game-legends.de and we’ll look into it right away.

2. How long does shipping take?

The shipping time for articles from our store is 1 to 3 work days within Germany, 3 to 5 work days within the EU, and up to 10 work days to other international countries.

Please be patient if it takes a little time until your package arrives. Certain things such as customs checks or similar are beyond our control and may lead to delayed shipping. If shipment of your item takes longer than the times noted above, please let us know and we’ll look into it!

3. Is my order already on its way?

As soon as your order leaves our warehouse you’ll receive a shipping confirmation by email. This includes an order overview and a shipment tracking ID that allows you to follow the progress of your package online.

4. How do I return my product to you?

You have the right to return a product for any reason within 14 days of purchase. Please see paragraph 3 of our General Terms and Conditions for further information.

5. Are any customer-specific fees applicable when making a purchase from outside of Germany?

Customs tariffs do not apply to deliveries within the EU. If you are planning on making a purchase from outside the EU, we kindly ask that you first check to which extent customs tariffs and import charges apply to you when making a purchase from Germany. Because import charges vary from country to country, we are unable to provide information on any possible additional costs.